Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Doctors *show*

Has anyone seen this yet? I watched today's and yesterday's show. Yesterday was about the Gardasil vaccine...I won't even go there. Today was about homebirth vs. hospital birth. But more like your baby will die or you will die in a homebirth or birth center scenario. Did anyone notice Dr. Bill Sears who seems to be for homebirth in low-risk pregnancies did not get to speak today? Or the lady who was there to talk about her wonderful homebirth experience and only had maybe 20secs to talk about it and when she started naming off book resources that she read the ob cut her off? (wow that was one long sentence):P Obviously the OB is going to willingly pass out the "death card" it's their job. If they didn't where would there income come from???Other than swabbing women's crotches. lol So I think for the next several wednesdays or until I run out of info. I will post some info about pregnancy/childbirth. I really don't care if anyone choses a hospital over home, I just wish ppl would educate themselves before they decide. I had to live and learn. My info may only help couple of ppl but at least it would help someone. We will see..I guess. :)
I'll post an article later when I have time to myself!


Chelsea said...

Thank you for posting this!!!! I do hope this helps someone.. it already helped me.. lol maybe i should tell my grandma your blog website.. LOL which i need to respond to that email.. will do that here shortly..