Friday, September 26, 2008


I can't believe how fast the girls have grown this summer! Not exactly clothes wise, but learning too. Although, Londyn is already into 12-18month pants and 12-24month shirts (depends on item) and Jaz was always a size behind her "age size".
We've been trying to do child-led learning this summer. Well that brought us to umm... the universe.Yep...stars, planets, moon, sun, blah, blah,blah. I guess I had to learn along the way with that boring stuff.LOL! A few weeks ago we bought a cheap "planet" thing at wal mart and it hangs from the ceiling and glows in the dark. Jazmyn thinks it's the coolest thing since mc hammer...okay maybe not that cool. So, she has half of her planet names down and can point them out from the alignment of the "sun"(room light). I have a feeling I will learn more than I ever imagined homeschooling.Yikes!
Londyn is talking up a storm these days, but you have to be "mom" to really catch it, you know how it goes. The other day the girls were taking a bath and Jazmyn and I were practicing phonics...I said "the A says ?" And Londyn goes "AH". Hah! I was speechless. Few days later Phil was changing her diaper and sneezed and he said "bless me" and she followed "bless you". I know it all sounds made up but it's not! She pointed out Jazmyn on the computer, she saw the picture of her and jaz with aunt h's guitars and said "that's jazmyn". Today "Word World" came on and she yelled "Word World" not to mention she has a tendency to hum the tune to any song you play. It's so cute and amazing she can do that! Her favorite saying she has been using for a few months "what's that?!" and points to whatever. lol
Okay so I'll quit talking now, I just had to share how sad it is that the kids are growing up so fast! Where is my video camera???( Dad's of course!) I must pick it up before it's too late!
Okay everyone have a good weekend! See some of you soon!


Chelsea said...

impressive!!! smart girls! need to borrow a video camera(vhs one) for now til you get yours? Have an extra one here i don't use... :) btw, are you sure your camera doesn't have sound when recording? i can shut the mic off mine so I'm wondering if yours is off??

breanna said...

holy cow! that's unreal! go londyn! : )

heathermum said...

whooohoo!!!!!!!! how smart your girls are! can't WAIT to see them!