Monday, September 29, 2008

NoT ToDaY!

I was going to not have sugar today, but I failed and made no-bake cookies this afternoon. I think I'm just going to have to wait until AFTER the holidays to go completely gluten free diet. I think for now I will just try to extremely limit and then completely cut out my sweets. It's going to take a lot of work finding completely gluten free recipes, so I'll just slowly cut back maybe it will make it less work and dramatic detox. *sigh* I wish sugar didn't make me so sensitive and too bad I didn't know this back in school, I might have been a better student. Oh well can't change then ...only now. Hopefully I can find inexpensive gluten free recipes that stay in our low grocery budget!
Okay well off to make supper!


breanna said...

we did the gluten free diet for two weeks, i think, maybe it was longer; or it just felt like it was longer. i think it takes 4 days of no gluten to start moving out of your system. i think less is better but i think cold turkey was best for us and then just get it over with. lol i would suggest gluten free noodles but i didn't find any flour that was a complete substitute for flour! it was all nasty; like sand!!!!!!! this was meant to be a positive comment; sorry! :P
i hear ya about the sugar sensitivities! i eat/drink maybe 2 things a day with sugar in it. and then it's white organic sugar with molasses or with half n half. i should post some things on my blog about why white sugar is so bad! i think it's best to not even start it (for our children!) so they don't have to go through the addiction withdraws etc.! it sucks!!!!